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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Monk who did somethin crazy...


Its really a dauntin' task to spare out few minutes to write a blog...But I do enjoy wen m being paid for it...Yess Being paid!!!!
Dun' jump off ur seat my company dun know that they are payin me for writin my blog...Well to me this is in compensation of those evenings I ve spent in office and those weekends I ve devoted to attendin unnecessary trainings...

Well there has been lot many happenings in my life in past few weeks...But couldn't pen 'em all coz of time crunch...
While most of them were mishaps but the biggest of 'em all was The Return of Mak (Sounds like the Star Wars IV: The Return of Jedi)... But u won't believe it was much worse (pun intended).... I had to explicitly specify that unlike those flamboyant authors who make their words speak aloud with expressions....

Couple of days back I was skimmin through my old books n suddenly I found this nice little book which an altruistic fren of mine game me way back in college with a pretty decent feedback...But I never really got any opportunity to read that or I should say never really felt like readin it... But this time my alter ego cried from within n asked me to read it once...So I took it out n sat down on my bed to read one of the bestseller (that's what the cover claimed). The name of the book said somethin like "The Monk who sold his Ferrari". This line made my mind go bonkers...How in the world can a monk a Ferrari....maybe be he loaned it somehow n that’s why he had to sell it...I thought this book might help me in gettin a Ferrari for myself too (Though I won't sell it afterwards also I plan to pay the complete duty and taxes unlike our esteemed cricketer "He who should not be named”). Well I opened the book...The author had expressed gratitude to almost every living person on this planet...Now I was able to figure it out why the book was a bestseller coz 90% of the people would have a bought it to find a suitable name for their children as that book had almost every possible livin name in it....But god had somethin else in store for me...Before I could satiate my growin suspense I had to leave for some work (Explicit Content - Word Censored).

But today mornin I got a sight of it while gettin ready for office...n I quickly slipped it my bag so that I can satisfy myself with extract of such a grateful writer..Who knows my name also be might there...n moreover it can't be worse than the chaos that I get to see everyday while commutin to office....I never understood why do ppl always hurry to office wen they can relax and can go a bit late well as far as I am concerned I constitute that segment of junta which uses Company Transport to commute...Which a person in normal circumstances should never do...Well for me I would say... “Good Judgment Comes from Experience and experience comes from bad judgment.”

So after waitin for a bit longer than 15 mins on the bus stop I should have guessed that today might not be the right day to read this masterpiece but as I said above u need experience for it. So finally the bus came n boarded quickly and bombed myself at a nice lookin and seemingly comfortable seat...Took the book out and kept my bag aside...n I started.... It started with a courtroom scene in which a lawyer had a heart attack...poor fella...Then the author started describin the lawyer...That guy had some serious Midas touch...He had all a person could dream of (This line refers specifically to the male community as other half generally looks for a guy with all that rather than lookin for all those things directly). With all that money around I was surely gainin some serious interest in it but somehow I got hit by a canon...That idiot sold everythin and left for India....It was like the most weird thing one could have ever done...I mean if u got some serious heart problem get a cardio machine man n work out on it...At max it ll cost few grands wats the purpose of sellin each n everythin??And even if for some reason u did...why the hell are u comin to India?? To Get mugged up or wat???

Enough of this crazy person....I said to myself

I was hopin that this guy might help me buyin one for myself instead he might drive me to sell the one I own...

With dark clouds hoverin my mind...I closed the book hurriedly as if I was readin some porn magazine content which has been spotted by some school teacher...This rapid action of mine left the sittin next to me droolin...He really thought that I had a copy of debonair which he could lay his hands on...Before he could say somethin i quickly flashed the book cover out and he instantaneously turned his head..Maybe he had a similar experience as me...Even m gonna behave like that at the sight of that book next time onwards...

I wish to god that he shower his blessings on my fren as well as on the author and especially on all those whose names were mentioned there...I dun know wat they would have sold after readin this book....

As far as book is concerned...Its still in my bag as of now...But its juz a matter of couple of hrs before it gets lost again in that rubble of anonymity where it came from...and my quest for a masterpiece which could really help me buy a Ferrari continues....An Endless Quest...