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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I wish I was him

I wish I was him!!”… I ve been suffering from this deadly virus for so long…

Its been like this since a pretty long time now…Perhaps from as long as I remember…Its not what most of the junta would assume it to be--“I miss things in my life therefore I wanna live other’s” I must admit here I ve had an amazin time on this planet till now and I dun repent a single second of if(except few which I spent on hospital beds or in examination halls..) actually its not as deadly as the one in “Taking Lives”…

But somehow a small incident made me to think bout it and change my perception about things around me…This incident happened like a fortnight back and I ve been introspecting myself all along and finally got time/words to pen it all down…

Flash back 14 days(approx)…

There was a tussle goin on between producers and the multiplex owners and poor souls like me had nothin to do..”99” was the movie that came to my rescue…It was the only okayish (at least it seemed okayish) movie in the cinemas at that time so there was no competition…I called up Mak and off we went to Moti Nagar fun cinemas on his scooter…Movie seriously turned out to be okayish..At least I din felt that I have wasted my money as I did for “Mangal Pandey”(Its my benchmark movie to check if a movie was worth it or not)…

On our way back Mak felt that his throat has dried up and he needed some chemicals to get it back to normal….So we took a detour to District Centre to catch up a pint/can of beer each…I use each because most people miss out the article “a” while relating me with beer but for the sake of that junta I would like to enlighten everyone on a fact that I have given up drinkin and its been more that juz couple of days…In fact its been almost a quarter(no not a quarter of whiskey but a quarter of year)..Anyways back to story..So Mak took his regular KF in one hand and fag in another..I decided to try my hands on Breezer(for those who dun know bout this…lets keep it simple its a kind of fruit juice..)..Will write about Breezer and its pros and cons sometime later…

So after this customary detour we boarded our flight and continued our journey back home…After few minutes I saw a guy ridin a scooter and wearin a IIT Delhi T Shirt…Now it doesn’t need any genius to figure out that he was indeed from IIT Delhi(Although I am a genius..)Books in his sidekick confirmed my belief…After seein him my old dream of IITs came back hauntin…Although I never dreamt of IITs not until I finished my B.Tech…but watever it was at that instant I wanted to be there and with this thought came the killer thought “I wish I was him”…

The thoughts and my wish list continued for a lil longer until the traffic halted on a red light… Mak started zippin thru the traffic and some frustrated ppl sittin on 4 wheelers shouted in disgust..But Mak continued as if he was a man on a mission…He went ahead and stopped right beside that IIT guy…Suddenly I saw a pair of crutches in his sidekick along with his Engineering books…I noticed that he was riding the scooter with additional support…All this while I had noticed everythin I wanted to but never noticed the price that comes along with all that…

2 mins back I would have killed someone to live that guy’s life and now… Now I was thankin god for what he has given me…As the light turned green Mak zipped his scooter forward leavin behind a white line of smoke and along with it my so called virus “I wish I was him”…

I am contended with what I have and If I dun have somethin then there are better ways of gettin it rather then bein the person who has it…He might not have everythin else that I desire…

I have always heard that life teaches us lessons..Though m sure I ve learnt a lot of them but this is first one I noticed…See m gettin wiser and humble…. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Well written. You have the potential to even better though. Try giving up the 'SMS lingo' for a while, and even the use of '....' after each line.
    Also, sorry if I sound a bit pedantic, its "I wish I were him" and not "was". :)

    Well written again. It really is a deadly and oft undiagnosed virus :)

