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Monday, August 3, 2009

A wish come true

I never enjoyed watching a movie from the front row until yesterday. A little background will help the cause i suppose.

For as long as i remember whenever I ve been to any public place specially places like movies/trains/bus/flights etc etc the first thing i check for the seats beside me, do I have any girl sitting next to me, am I the lucky one this time and most of time it ended in disappointment except for few good times. One such day was yesterday.

Though it was noway near to that enticing bus journey I had while going to college (more on it sometime later) but it was good enough to tick the point "Watch a movie with a hottie" on my to-do list. Hopefully more to follow.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Saturday Morning : 7 AM

Its been ages since I saw clock touching that time or anything near 10 AM on a weekend for that matter. Saturday always started around 11 AM(at the earliest) for me barring few days on which i had to start it early because of office/training/studies/outbound etc etc. But rest all saturdays has been like this only.

But somehow all this legacy that had continued for so many years ended suddenly. I woke up @ 7AM, though i tried my best to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. So finally i got out of bed leaving that long tradition/legacy behind in the sheets.

The mornings never looked so beautiful or maybe I never got a chance to look at them they way I did today. I had all time in the world, I never thought that breeze could be this cold in scorching summer, but at 7 AM it is.

Apart from enjoying the morning I did some pretty useful work as well like I finished up some posts which were there in drafts for almost a month now and wrote a new one as well, got rid of old mags and newspaper from my room, arranged my DVD rack so its easy to find a game when I feel like playing it, helped mumma with daily chores etc etc.

After enjoying so much and doing so many things m still left with 2 hrs of this unusual Saturday because my clock still shows 9 AM. I wonder what all I will be doing in next 2 hours.. :)

This waking up early is really cool I will certainly try to keep upto it. and oh i completely forgot.. Good Morning!!!

The Mic-heal Jack-Son

No there isin’t a spellin mistake in the title but it is intended to be that way…

Whole world is goin bonkers, everybody is talkin bout him and ppl who never even knew the name of his albums are listenin to his numbers all day long… I think he must be sittin up there and smilin on wats goin on down here…

Till couple of months back all he made news was coz of some child molestation charges n suddenly he is on the 24X7 stories on channels like CNN and BBC, these channels even went ahead and did the live coverage of his funeral…The bad Mickey suddenly became mother Teresa…

His whole life he molested children and now is father is under the lens for allegedly torcherin him in his childhood…All kinds of theory surfacin that his children aren’t his :o someone’s sayin that he was not into girls and some other chick is sayin that he was great in bed, blah…blah and blah…

After seein all this I just wonder that when he was alive no one allowed him to live peacefully so much so that he had to take all those medicines to carry on his life that ultimately took his life and now when he is dead these people won’t let him live in peace either…

An ideal song…

For a long time now there hasn’t been a song to which I could easily relate myself to..You Found me was a different case coz  it touched my heart but still I couldn’t relate it to myself… I know all this sounds like jargon well m feelin the same way when m writin all this…

Anyways.. I felt that I couldn’t relate myself to a song for a pretty long until this one..

The lyrics goes somethin like Meri Daastan kaminee, mere raaste kaminey, ik dil se dosti ki thi, yeh huzoor bhi kaminey…n the best line is Mere dost bhi kaminey..m sure my friends will agree with this.

This post has been in pipeline for so long that I have almost forgot what i intended to write bout this song..So I ll update it as and when those thoughts will come back(if ever)…