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Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Saturday Morning : 7 AM

Its been ages since I saw clock touching that time or anything near 10 AM on a weekend for that matter. Saturday always started around 11 AM(at the earliest) for me barring few days on which i had to start it early because of office/training/studies/outbound etc etc. But rest all saturdays has been like this only.

But somehow all this legacy that had continued for so many years ended suddenly. I woke up @ 7AM, though i tried my best to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. So finally i got out of bed leaving that long tradition/legacy behind in the sheets.

The mornings never looked so beautiful or maybe I never got a chance to look at them they way I did today. I had all time in the world, I never thought that breeze could be this cold in scorching summer, but at 7 AM it is.

Apart from enjoying the morning I did some pretty useful work as well like I finished up some posts which were there in drafts for almost a month now and wrote a new one as well, got rid of old mags and newspaper from my room, arranged my DVD rack so its easy to find a game when I feel like playing it, helped mumma with daily chores etc etc.

After enjoying so much and doing so many things m still left with 2 hrs of this unusual Saturday because my clock still shows 9 AM. I wonder what all I will be doing in next 2 hours.. :)

This waking up early is really cool I will certainly try to keep upto it. and oh i completely forgot.. Good Morning!!!

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