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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Goin’ Green!!!

"Going Green" Its the talk of the day. Everyone is tryin to be greener these days. Emission cuts, global warming, greenhouse effect have become household terms. So much so that 98 world leaders with over 5000 journalists and 15000 delegates will be adding 41,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide to the environment in a 11 day conference with a price tag of $214 Million just to think about what can be done to prevent climate change.

My Opinion?? Cancel this Summit in the first place use video conferencing.

An inside report on the first two days of the summit was leaked in media today, these are the points being considered for greener earth by our world leaders:

1. Detergents are bad for earth, save ‘em

Since we know detergents cannot be recycled, so we should not use them too often. Its time we start wearing those undergarments for weeks before we wash them but not until they have been used for one more week, inside out.

2. Save water, don’t flush

Use the walls, thats what they are for. An usual pee on the wall could save up to 10 lts of water that we would waste in flushin.

3. Don’t buy plastic

Like detergents plastics are also cannot be recycled, so next time we feel thirsty when we are out, we should go for a bottle of beer instead of water. Beer bottles can be reused and does not add to the burden on mother earth. Same goes for condoms.

4. Save electricity, stay out

Since electricity production is one of the major reason of carbon emission, we can save electricity to save earth. We should keep strolling in malls, pubs, discs where AC is already on so that we don’t have to go home to turn on ours, thereby saving lot of electricity.

5.  Save paper, save trees

Cutting of trees also adds to Global warming, so we should ask our local paperwalah to skip our home from tomorrow and train our pets to pick the neighbour’s copy, in case someone don’t have a pet he/she should get one. 

6. Follow Baba Ramdev, cut your emissions

We should do yoga and try to hold our breath for at least an hour a day thereby cutting our carbon emissions by 1/24th. This would also keep people healthy thereby cutting carbon emissions of farts as well.

The leaders also added that they are working on few more groundbreaking ideas to save the planet earth by these sophisticated means.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Shut the f*** up Mr. Hughes

I believe city fans, Mr. Hughes and their noob players must be looking for their bearings after today’s taste of premiership. Someone said that don’t count your chickens before they hatch and Mr. Hughes counted them even before he bought these cocks. This is what internet has to say about them

Today’s scoreline had a lot to tell to this team and specifically to its big mouthed manager. Its a long road ahead and he should stop dreaming about title and must work on what he is good at: Avoiding the relegation.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Austerity!!! But where is Civility?

The Grand Ol' Party of India decided to revamp its blotted image in the eyes of educated Indians so their poll planners came up with the new word Austerity. But the first and foremost question I ask is whether the current and future descendants of Gandhi family (that's what constitutes the Congress party) have the civility to implement Austerity.

Few days back TIMES NOW covered a story regarding a circular issued by Rajasthan Govt. which incidentally belongs to the party that is owned by Gandhi family which stated that every state employee should stand up to welcome any visiting MLA to greet and pay respect to him/her. When countered the Spokesperson Manish Tiwari blatantly agreed to the circular stating that the same circular has been issued by Orrisa Government. I presume that they really admire the way BJP/BJD works so why don't they hand over the command to these parties instead of doing these copy cat acts of issuing the same circular. There are zillions of examples to state the hypocrisy but then m not on a mission to propagate any other party so one should suffice.

Well that was about the Civility of the party which claims that "Aam aadmi ke badhte kadam" but forgets to mention that these steps are backward and not forward. Lets talk bout Austerity, here is a little insight into the so called economy class trip made by another Gandhi descendant

"Sonia flew economy class on Air India flight IC-887 from Delhi to Mumbai to attend a party function, but her Special Protection Group (SPG) officers had cleared out a couple of seats in business class for security reasons. While Sonia was seated on 3A -- the seat with maximum leg space in economy -- the national carrier had emptied out another couple of rows of seats for the privilege of having her on board. The 122-seat Airbus A319 carried 77 passengers in all."

Too little for the much hyped Austerity. Here again there are many instances like IAF spending 25 crores on her travel in 2007 despite the facts that India has hostile neighbors n that money could have been spent on saving few innocent lives but the govt. preferred to spend the money on someone who is not even entitled to fly IAF, but then again if someone can't get convinced by one he can never get convinced at all.

Three cheers to INC, Gandhi family and We the Indians lets keep bringing them back to power to loot everythin that's left in this country.

A cad in the gentleman's game

Saturday was indeed an amazing day with United coming from behind in yet another exciting fixture to take 3 points back home but all this excitement was subdued by the rogue behavior of Emmanuel Adebayor.

The £25.1 Million City Striker stamped his former teammate RVP and even that ugly act couldn't satiate his desire so he almost ignited a riot by running towards the Arsenal fans after scoring a goal against his previous club. Thanks to the men like Michael Turner else this game would have been doomed had it been left to jerks like Adebayor. This is what BBC said

"Michael Turner's reaction to scoring for Sunderland against Hull provided a telling contrast. He initially ran towards his old club's fans, then - realizing his error instantly - apologized with a hand gesture and turned away towards his new followers."

Had I been officiating that FA committee i would have banned him for life(of course I am a United fan and that adds fuel to the fire) but guys like him needs to be stopped before they run over not just their fellow players but the glory of this game that we all love.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A wish come true

I never enjoyed watching a movie from the front row until yesterday. A little background will help the cause i suppose.

For as long as i remember whenever I ve been to any public place specially places like movies/trains/bus/flights etc etc the first thing i check for the seats beside me, do I have any girl sitting next to me, am I the lucky one this time and most of time it ended in disappointment except for few good times. One such day was yesterday.

Though it was noway near to that enticing bus journey I had while going to college (more on it sometime later) but it was good enough to tick the point "Watch a movie with a hottie" on my to-do list. Hopefully more to follow.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Saturday Morning : 7 AM

Its been ages since I saw clock touching that time or anything near 10 AM on a weekend for that matter. Saturday always started around 11 AM(at the earliest) for me barring few days on which i had to start it early because of office/training/studies/outbound etc etc. But rest all saturdays has been like this only.

But somehow all this legacy that had continued for so many years ended suddenly. I woke up @ 7AM, though i tried my best to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. So finally i got out of bed leaving that long tradition/legacy behind in the sheets.

The mornings never looked so beautiful or maybe I never got a chance to look at them they way I did today. I had all time in the world, I never thought that breeze could be this cold in scorching summer, but at 7 AM it is.

Apart from enjoying the morning I did some pretty useful work as well like I finished up some posts which were there in drafts for almost a month now and wrote a new one as well, got rid of old mags and newspaper from my room, arranged my DVD rack so its easy to find a game when I feel like playing it, helped mumma with daily chores etc etc.

After enjoying so much and doing so many things m still left with 2 hrs of this unusual Saturday because my clock still shows 9 AM. I wonder what all I will be doing in next 2 hours.. :)

This waking up early is really cool I will certainly try to keep upto it. and oh i completely forgot.. Good Morning!!!

The Mic-heal Jack-Son

No there isin’t a spellin mistake in the title but it is intended to be that way…

Whole world is goin bonkers, everybody is talkin bout him and ppl who never even knew the name of his albums are listenin to his numbers all day long… I think he must be sittin up there and smilin on wats goin on down here…

Till couple of months back all he made news was coz of some child molestation charges n suddenly he is on the 24X7 stories on channels like CNN and BBC, these channels even went ahead and did the live coverage of his funeral…The bad Mickey suddenly became mother Teresa…

His whole life he molested children and now is father is under the lens for allegedly torcherin him in his childhood…All kinds of theory surfacin that his children aren’t his :o someone’s sayin that he was not into girls and some other chick is sayin that he was great in bed, blah…blah and blah…

After seein all this I just wonder that when he was alive no one allowed him to live peacefully so much so that he had to take all those medicines to carry on his life that ultimately took his life and now when he is dead these people won’t let him live in peace either…

An ideal song…

For a long time now there hasn’t been a song to which I could easily relate myself to..You Found me was a different case coz  it touched my heart but still I couldn’t relate it to myself… I know all this sounds like jargon well m feelin the same way when m writin all this…

Anyways.. I felt that I couldn’t relate myself to a song for a pretty long until this one..

The lyrics goes somethin like Meri Daastan kaminee, mere raaste kaminey, ik dil se dosti ki thi, yeh huzoor bhi kaminey…n the best line is Mere dost bhi kaminey..m sure my friends will agree with this.

This post has been in pipeline for so long that I have almost forgot what i intended to write bout this song..So I ll update it as and when those thoughts will come back(if ever)…

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Michael Owen: Too little too late

The 2001 European footballer is wat United has recently got or should I say United has managed to sign him out of whatever was left after Real’s shoppin spree…

I dun think his form in the last 4 years at EPL has given him any chance to replace Rooney or Berba for the startin lineup but surely he can warm the bench for next 2 yrs like Tevez did and might prove a useful sub for the United…

I was juz tryin to see what changes this summer transfer window might make to the United side..This should be the ideal startin line up as per my opinion(considerin there are no further transfers..)

  1. Van Der Sar(I would love to see some fresh pair of legs here)
  2. Neville
  3. Vidic
  4. Ferdinand
  5. Evra
  6. Carrick
  7. Giggs
  8. Nani
  9. Valencia
  10. Rooney
  11. Berbatov


  1. Park Ji Sung
  2. Kuszczak
  3. Tosic
  4. Andersen
  5. Owen

And I would surely like to see following players reachin their full potential

  1. Rafael
  2. Gibson
  3. Evans
  4. Macheda

Lets see what Sir Alex has in store for our team…

Gay, Proud and Indian

Delhi High Court finally allowed these 3 words to be used in the same sentence, perhaps in the same order as well… In wat is being referred as a historical judgement court legalized homosexuality makin amendments to the section 377…

Well…neither this is a news blog nor m gay but still this judgement has a effect on our lives…How???Thts simple maths lets do it…

As per government estimates there are 932 girls for 1000 boys…Now since gay sex is legal lets assume that there are 10 gay couples/1000 males..This could be more in metro cities but lets be conservative..So there are 20 gays/1000 males…So it means 932 girls/980 straight guys…So talking in the terms in %ges..Its approximately a 1.902% increase of chances for a normal guy of being hooked with a girl…Now thts progress…

On a serious note m glad that our judiciary is not orthodox like our un-honourable ministers and members of parliament..Now its juz upto us as the citizens of this country to give homosexuals the place they deserve in this society..Lets give them their pride back…and as the headline on TIMES NOW said…Gay ho!!! :-)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I wish I was him

I wish I was him!!”… I ve been suffering from this deadly virus for so long…

Its been like this since a pretty long time now…Perhaps from as long as I remember…Its not what most of the junta would assume it to be--“I miss things in my life therefore I wanna live other’s” I must admit here I ve had an amazin time on this planet till now and I dun repent a single second of if(except few which I spent on hospital beds or in examination halls..) actually its not as deadly as the one in “Taking Lives”…

But somehow a small incident made me to think bout it and change my perception about things around me…This incident happened like a fortnight back and I ve been introspecting myself all along and finally got time/words to pen it all down…

Flash back 14 days(approx)…

There was a tussle goin on between producers and the multiplex owners and poor souls like me had nothin to do..”99” was the movie that came to my rescue…It was the only okayish (at least it seemed okayish) movie in the cinemas at that time so there was no competition…I called up Mak and off we went to Moti Nagar fun cinemas on his scooter…Movie seriously turned out to be okayish..At least I din felt that I have wasted my money as I did for “Mangal Pandey”(Its my benchmark movie to check if a movie was worth it or not)…

On our way back Mak felt that his throat has dried up and he needed some chemicals to get it back to normal….So we took a detour to District Centre to catch up a pint/can of beer each…I use each because most people miss out the article “a” while relating me with beer but for the sake of that junta I would like to enlighten everyone on a fact that I have given up drinkin and its been more that juz couple of days…In fact its been almost a quarter(no not a quarter of whiskey but a quarter of year)..Anyways back to story..So Mak took his regular KF in one hand and fag in another..I decided to try my hands on Breezer(for those who dun know bout this…lets keep it simple its a kind of fruit juice..)..Will write about Breezer and its pros and cons sometime later…

So after this customary detour we boarded our flight and continued our journey back home…After few minutes I saw a guy ridin a scooter and wearin a IIT Delhi T Shirt…Now it doesn’t need any genius to figure out that he was indeed from IIT Delhi(Although I am a genius..)Books in his sidekick confirmed my belief…After seein him my old dream of IITs came back hauntin…Although I never dreamt of IITs not until I finished my B.Tech…but watever it was at that instant I wanted to be there and with this thought came the killer thought “I wish I was him”…

The thoughts and my wish list continued for a lil longer until the traffic halted on a red light… Mak started zippin thru the traffic and some frustrated ppl sittin on 4 wheelers shouted in disgust..But Mak continued as if he was a man on a mission…He went ahead and stopped right beside that IIT guy…Suddenly I saw a pair of crutches in his sidekick along with his Engineering books…I noticed that he was riding the scooter with additional support…All this while I had noticed everythin I wanted to but never noticed the price that comes along with all that…

2 mins back I would have killed someone to live that guy’s life and now… Now I was thankin god for what he has given me…As the light turned green Mak zipped his scooter forward leavin behind a white line of smoke and along with it my so called virus “I wish I was him”…

I am contended with what I have and If I dun have somethin then there are better ways of gettin it rather then bein the person who has it…He might not have everythin else that I desire…

I have always heard that life teaches us lessons..Though m sure I ve learnt a lot of them but this is first one I noticed…See m gettin wiser and humble…. ;-)

The Jersey war

This season has begun on a high note for the football world...Some great spending and some waste signings...Real has been on a shoppin spree maybe coz its been almost 8 yr since they bagged UEFA and even longer since they finished second.

They always poach on the United players be it Nistelrooy, Beckham or Ronaldo they always try to bring them to Madrid but to no good...

I juz wish they invest thier money in better scouting and grooming talent like the English clubs do...

I hope that sanity will prevail...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The last letter

Still don't have anythin' to write..

Hi Xxxxx

How u doin?
Well its been few months since we last xchanged mails and in this span I ve opened my mail umpteen times with the intent of writin a mail but I always got
struck @ Subject. I was never able to pick the words to put in that column so always gave up the idea of writin a mail to you. But this time m tryin somethin different m tryin to write the mail first n then will try to write the subject(Hopefully you will get a mail this time)..

So howz Xxxxxxx doin(correct me if I am wrong but as far as I remember his name is Xxxxxxx)..You nevva told me much bout him or perhaps I never asked but whichever the reason be I really dun know much about him except the fact that he is the most lucky man on the earth...

10 lines and m still not able to figure out an apt reason for writin this mail maybe I dun have any or maybe I dun need any..Although I was always @ loss of words whenever I was talkin to you but still I could manage somethin or the other to talk bout but today it seems like I dun have anythin to write apart from the routine hello, how u doin stuff...Things change pretty quickly!!!...

Although this may seem like one of those long texts that I used to send but it is no way near that because I never exercised so much caution while typin any of those maybe I have learnt where to draw the line...And perhaps before I accidentally cross the line drawn by myself, circumstances and society I should wrap this mail up...

Since I wasn't there on ur marriage else would have wished you and ur better half in person and I din had the courage to wish you when we xchanged mails last time though I really wanted to from the bottom of my heart.. Anyways its late then never..
My heartiest congratulations to you and Xxxxxxx once again and I really pray to god that u get everythin in life that you ever wanted..Have a blast..and live life they way you always wanted to free like a bird...

In the meanwhile I ll just sit and pray for that one last moment..Who knows that the almighty might listen to my plea for a change and we might bump into each other someday, somewhere...After all world is a pretty small place...
Take Care

EDIT:PS: I have managed a subject(funny though) this time... :-)
PPS: Although I tried my best to avoid anythin that might bother you but in case anythin did...Then dun worry this is the first and last of any such mail you are gettin from my side...
Mitch Hedberg - "My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them."

Although had a lot more to write/say but as they say "You had your chances"...

See the stone set in your eyes

See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you

Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you

With or without you
With or without you

Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And Im waiting for you

With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you

And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away

My hands are tied
My body bruised, shes got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose

And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away

With or without you
With or without you
I cant live
With or without you
The Joshua Tree--U2

PS: I have tried my best to protect to identity of the persons being referred to in this mail and I won't be responsible for any assumptions whatsoever made about the same.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Mystery Blogger

There is a news around that someone from the Knight Rider is postin all the dressin room stuff on the internet. The blogger who calls himself fakeiplplayer updates his experiences and the news from the inside @

Though its not certain whether he is really a KKR player or not but the kind of publicity he has got I doubt that even AB would have got that on his blog. Much of that could be attributed to Appam Chutiya who is considered as symbol for mockery. But that guy sure have some balls, I saw him few days back in a match against CSKs, Hayden was takin him for a ride hittin him all over the place and when somehow he finally managed to get his wicket(courtesy: loose shot from Hayden) he was back in his true self jumpin and abusin ppl around. Well they always say ki "Impression ek din mein nahin banta".

Anyways back to Mystery Blogger that guy has posted everythin from Warny's plan of boinkin the Shetty sisters to Ravi Shastri's bet with fellow commentators to take Mandira for a bull ride before the tournament is over. Though I doubt that all those ladies might ve read that blog coz we dun get to see Mandira anywhere near Ravi these days, maybe the bet is over and perhaps Mandira would have realized that Ravi is no more a cricketer and so he doesn't handle balls these days...;-)

See there are so many things goin on in my mind but on the similar lines so I ll juz sign off now for the sake of sanity of this blog and come back when I ll have more under 12 stuff to write....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Man Utd are true devils

The Saturday Premier league game between Man Utd and Spurs was anythin but predictable..Two quick goals by Brent and Modric made Harry believe that they had their noses in front and ppl at Anfield were rejoicing but Sir Alex and his devils had somethin else in their mind…

Though the IPL match between Knight Riders and Super Kings was washed out but the old time VJ Gaurav Kapoor was very happy about Liverpool winnin their league match against Hull City…That was during the half time when ManU were behind by 2-0…But it was a matter of only 25 mins after first half that Red Devils had settled their score and repeated the famous Sep 2001 victory over Spurs at Old Trafford in which they were trailing by 3-0 till second half but went on to win the game by 5-3 thanks to hat trick by David Beckham…

Though the story was a bit similar this time around and the second half substitution of Nany by Tevez pumped the Adrenaline and soon they were on top…Rooney and Ronaldo scored two a piece with Bervatov addin insult to the injury by scorin against his former club…

In the end it was true display of the character which Man Utd signifies and was indeed an absolute treat for any Premier League fan…This is wat football is all about….With juz 4 more matches per team and an extra one for the United team left this league more intense and exiting…But for me Man Utd are already the winners with thier emphatic win on Saturday…..

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Splitsvilla theme

MTV Splitsvilla 2 another show that adds to the list of already running reality shows and specially those which focuses on the younger generation. Its one of a kind coz its about Love and the tag line says “Splitsvilla : Where Love is war”.

In the last episode MTV invited the Agnee band which had composed the theme for Roadies as well. This time they came around with absolute magic with pure music. The theme din had any words and was juz a hummin tune but it surely had the power to play the strings on anyone’s heart. Maybe thats wat is called the power of music.

As said that actions speak louder than words then perhaps the music will be able to speak for itself better than me. So enjoy the music and do let me know how it was?

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Perhaps this will give an idea to you guys while I manage to get the final version of this song.

Schindler’s List

It had been a really long time after Saving Private Ryan that any movie really touched my heart. I had heard a lot about this movie but finally got a chance yesterday to see the magic that Spielberg created with this biographical film about Oskar Schindler who saved lives of more than a thousand polish jews during the second world war.

There is somethin in me that always fantasize me towards anythin related to second world war be it Oskar Schindler or Pvt. James Francis Ryan or even Adolf Hitler on Fox History. Every scene makes me feel that I am a part of that epic. Spielberg adds to the magic in each and every scene like the Omaha beach scene(in Saving Private Ryan) which couldn’t have been replicated in the better way. That scene made its viewers see through what was goin through the minds of those soldiers that landed on that beach on that fateful day.

I am so spellbound with the magic that he created in both the movies that I don’t have anythin much to say or write so I will just end it by urgin everyone goin through this post to watch these movies once.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Whose Oscar is it?

Everybody is goin bonkers since yesterday cheerin, textin n doin so many things...Okay I agree its a great achievement that finally an Indian managed to get the Oscar but in no sense anyone can compare it with Lagaan...For me Lagaan gettin nominated was far big achievement than Slumdog gettin 8 Oscars...

There is a fallacy in this because Slumdog Millionare is not an Indian film and therefore was entitled to be nominated in all the cataegories unlike Lagaan which had to compete against hundreds of other entries for just one category i.e Best foreign film and its the same case with Mother India...So wat does India has to do with Slumdog sweepin Oscars after all...Its not an Indian movie its a British movie which aims to make the mockery of the system here...

Our political parties never leave any opportunity to showcase themselves as the leader of the nation without doin anythin for it...Here is the latest example:
Cong counts 8 Oscars as part of UPA achievements

Well I personally do agree to our political parties for this because the credit for creating so many slums, communal disturbances and thereby makin the environment conducive for Slumdogs to flourish(I still doubt if they can be credit for millionaires as well)..

Whosoever be responsible for this...But Rehman deserves a applaud...

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Story of Kala Bandar

There has been a recent upsurge in the number of movies offering paid preview a day before the actual release.. I also wanted to feel wat it is like watching a movie before it is released..All this coupled with the hype surroundin around Delhi 6(Added with the fact that Delhi being my native place) i decided to go for a pre release. It took few calls, few texts and some pesterin to convince someone to accompany me for the voyage.

08:45 PM
Though a lot happened between the time I inked the plan and this time but most of that is meaningless and not worthy of my precious time so I will quickly jump to the action.
We reached Omaxe Mall, for me it was everythin' but a mall but that was the only option in ggn so had to bear with it..Now we were good 45 minutes early and since there wasn't anythin else to do around there so the best option we had to have some ethanol(I remember it from my experience with Mangal Pandey that this is best thing to have if you are uncertain' about the movie)...So in absence of any bar or pub in that so called mall we finally found a "English wine and beer shop" aka Theka and alongside it was a decent open air restaurant which serves as a drinkin place aka Aahata....

09:00 PM
"Oye chotu!!! Sun yaar 2 Kingfisher light le aa"..
Shardul did some quick calculation in his mind and said
"Abe sun ek kaam kar yaar yaar 3 hi le aa..baad mein time waste hoga"...
The guy took the money went out and came in with 3 chilled bottles of kingfisher(Now you know where did Mallaya got all his money to buy an IPL team..)

09:30 PM
We entered right in time and located out seat..I scanned the nearby area but couldn't locate a single girl..Dunno why I never get to watch a movie with a girl sittin beside me.. :-(
There were customary trailers of other movies and finally the movie started...

About the Movie:
Well movie was Okayish types...Music was pretty good(as expected from Rehman) that kept the interest alive in the movie...The best part of the movie was the performance of actors and screenplay...everybody played their part to the perfection let it be dyin Waheeda Rehman palyin grandma or Divya Dutta playin Jalebi the sweeper or two young kids about 6-8 years goin to Jalebi n sayin ki "Humein mard bana do!!!"....
Though the movie does not have a pretty solid script but the music and screenplay covers for it...Though I had to miss tits and bits here and there in the movie(Thanks to Mr. Mallaya and that 1l of liquid intake) but still it was fun...Movie also stars some characters from RDB like Atul Agnihotri as gobar and Cyrus Sahukar as Suresh who likes to boink the 20 yr old wife of 60 yr old Prem Chopra who survives on Viagra....The movie revolves around a much hyped case of "Monkey Man" that emerged in late nineties as a sign of horror and terror and Delhi and somehow gets lost in that only(named Kala Bandar and so the post)...In all if asked a question whether the Paid Preview paid off or not, well for me it did...

12:30 AM
"Oye ghar chalein ya phir 1-1 beer piyein :-D... "
And the journey continued.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Found Me

Thanks to Channel V for picking "The Fray" for their all this month series. I heard this song and it really touched my heart...Will come to the reason later right now I would like to read those lyrics again they were like...

I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I said, "Where you been?" He said, "Ask anything"

Where were you when everything was falling apart?
All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang
And all I needed was a call that never came
To the corner of 1st and Amistad

Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me
Lying on the floor surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me, you found me....

This song took me for a walk down the lane of nostalgia..My life flipped like pages from some ol' book in front of my eyes in those 4 minutes...

Those back benches of my class where I used to sit and watch her the whole day though I mastered that art but was caught on my lucky days and mam used to send me out of the class straight away...But then it was blessin in disguise coz it always allowed me see her face...I can still see that face whenever I close my eyes...That sunlight from the window which used to occasionally divert her attention from concepts of biology and the moments when she accidentally used to look into my eyes(still can do anythin for that look)....Those morning classes when I used to eagerly wait for her roll number to get a glimpse of her n the ones in which I forgot to call my name coz I was busy lookin forward to her number...Those lunch packs that I never opened coz she was going to canteen with her frenz(Of course its associated some serious verbal thrashin @ home...But the first part was more beautiful to be a serial offender) and those days without lunch when she had no plans to go to canteen and I left mine at home...

Those last periods which always seemed like the longest one and were confidants of my acts of takin a book out of bag and puttin it back again to get the perfect timin and walkin few steps with her with my heart pumpin like a 1000W speaker at full volume...Those acts of innocence of pretendin to talkin to friends and lurkin behind their shoulders to look her till that last moment and then lookin up in the sky and prayin for juz one more look which sometimes was granted and she used to pass by like a wind...Phew...That magic in the air....

Those borin weekends when the only job at hand was to go to her place at least once a day with plannin all sort of things but runnin for cover at her first sight....Those rainy days when I used to stand right outside her place and wishin for her one look(which incidentally god never owe me one GOD) for which I am still under debt of my frenz many of whom fell sick after standin in that downpour....

Those telephone calls for which I used to push my sisters out of room(for privacy of course)...Those endless topics and discussions that never made any sense and those plans which never materialized...All this and a lot more....Its been days, months, years but for me all this was yesterday and will always be....I believe thts wat Love is the one you never get....

Here's the reason for this post:

Friday, January 9, 2009

A result for Life

08 Jan 4 PM
Someone on PG said that CAT results are out..I began a fanatic attempt to check mine for next 2 hrs...As the time kept on movin ppl started pourin in their scores some fantastic n some dismal..Some gave a sense of envy and some made me skeptical of the future..I even tried sendin couple of texts but all I got was a reply that results will be out on 9th Jan..Finally I gave up my quest with time n decided to check the results on 9th only.

Had a sleepless night a bit of which could be attributed to anxiety and rest to some relatives who had come for a night stay..I woke up at my usual time @7 AM and sent a text in a hope to see my result..I don't know if I should say that luckily I was able to see my result or too bad that I saw my result but in either case I got my result. A chill ran down my spine when I saw it. A meager 98%ile that would not get me even top 10 colleges leave alone IIMs. The world came crashin' down on me. It seemed to me that I have lost everythin and have nowhere to go. A sense of dejection encapsulated me, a burden of failure suppressed me. The first question that came to my mind was "Why me?"

Flashback--3 months
CAT was round the corner with just days to go. Though I gave in my best effort in studies but the only thing that lacked was confidence. With so much hype surrounding those two and a half hours I was sure that it is not my cup of tea and a seat in of the top 20 colleges would have satiated my desire of higher learning. Then came the D day, luckily I did pretty well even more than what I expected with such a low confidence. I know I could have got 3-4 questions right which eventually made the difference but I would attribute it to lack of confidence than the lack of practice.

I came back home and checked my answers on various coaching institutes sites which further sky rocketed my expectations. I was sure of bagging couple of IIM calls so rest of the exams were just about killin 3 hours and gettin some practice for the sake of money I had spent on application. As the days passed my belief of securing an IIM call grew with people around me confirming the same on the basis of my score. So much so that I completely rejected the possibility of happening otherwise unware of what the future has in store for me.

09 Jan: Today
Now I sit back and look at what I have earned and what I have lost in this result. Ofcourse I have earned the confidence of achieveing what I am capable of but at the same time I have also earned the fear of losing what I have right now(read: not even gettin 98 next time). The tussle between these two thoughts is tearin me apart. In the end its gonna be my decision and I don't expect much this time, just a hope that few years down the lane I don't have to sit and wish that I should have gone the other way...

I need hope, i need luck, i need wishes, i need 'em all but most of all I need courage....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My view on Global Markets

Lehman, AIG, Barclays..etc etc..I ve been listening all sorts of Financial names for past few days. Although i already had my share my acquaintance with these names but from a different angle altogether. For example Lehman to me is a former Australian Cricketer and plays for Rajasthan Royals in IPL nowadays. Barclays are the main sponsors of premier league and likewise AIG for ManU. This news gave a different perspective to my acquaintance with these names. This was the only impact this news made in made life. Although it created havoc at dalal street and likes of it in different countries, channels like CNBC ran hours of stories on this. Experts around the world gave their inputs someone termed it as Global Meltdown or US meltdown. UTVi barged into a party at ISB and interviewed couple of worried students who shared their nightmares while chewing their fingers off to make it look more realistic. Banking to me is a process that starts from 1st of every month and goes on till 5th of the same month.

Well, this is another post which has been in pipeline for couple of months and a lot has been happened during this period to add by courtesy Common Admission Test. Satyam plummeted and Nortel filed for bankruptcy couple of days back. So much has been said and done regarding this forcing governments around to world to spend billions of hard earned money of their tax payers. Though I read few days back in the papers that AIG is best utilizing this bailout package to give incentives to higher management to retain staff. What an innovative way to deal with crisis I wonder if this is what Wharton and Harward taught them.

This is one of the largest sub prime crisis in the economic history of the world because the epicenter of this fiasco was Wall Street the economic center of the world. Companies around the world shunned the staff some small ones even closed their shops. All this added to the panic around the world and stock markets around the world corroborated it. People lost millions in this run down the hill. But my maths logic says that if some loses them someone has to gain which can be confirmed by the statement that 'energy can neither be created nor destroyed it can only be transferred from one body to another'.

The question here is who gained from all this Mr. Raju or likes of him? Truly speaking Mr. Raju didn't embezzled any fund meant for the company he just inflated sheets to raise his stock value which he kept on rollin out at regular intervals. He had all intention to cover it all up by Maytas deal but investors were too concerned about 5400 crores which basically didn't existed. That deal could have been a blessin in disguise after all a stock worth Rs. 360 is much better off at Rs. 180 than at Rs. 6.30 thanks to our prudent investors.But our gujju bhais are even cashin on this. The share is being traded in abysmal figures everyday thereby generating lakhs of revenues for its investors.(what else can you expect from a stock)

I don't know what good or bad all this has done to the world but one thing is for sure it taught me a lot about the other side of the world and yess it also added to the revenue of my paperwalah who got another anxious, ignorant and educated Indian lookin for a copy of Economic Times...